1. Study Program/专业选择

Please choose your intended study program(s)/请选择拟申请的专业

First Choice/首选专业



Second Choice/第二专业



2. Basic Information/基本信息

*Last Name/姓

*First Name/名

Chinese Name/中文名字(如有)




*Marital Status/婚姻状态


*Date of Birth/出生日期

*Country of Birth/出生地

*Highest Level of Education/最高学历

*Final Institution/前序院校

Passport No./护照号码

Passport Expiry Date/护照有效期

*Mailing Address/邮寄地址

*Have you ever registered in Foundation Course(s) in China?/您是否曾在中国注册过预科课程?

*Do you have any relatives working in your government?/您是否有亲属在贵国政府中任职?

3. Document Uploads/上传文件

Please upload your supporting documents on this page. Documents marked with * are mandatory. Size of each file should not be larger than 3MB. If you have large files then please resize them. Each file must be one of the following file types: .PDF, .JPG, .JPEG. 请在本页上传申请材料。带星号*的材料为必选项。单个上传文件不能超过3MB,如您的文件过大,请务必重新编辑符合条件后再上传。文件格式要求:.PDF, .JPG, .JPEG

Document Type/文件类型

Photocopy of Passport/护照首页
Passport pages with visas/护照签证页(If the applicant has previous experience in China, the last three visa pages must be uploaded/如有来华经历,须上传最近三次的签证页)
Proof of Language Proficiency/语言水平证明(HSK for Chinese-taught programs, IELTS/TOEFL or other supporting materials for English programs)
*Study Plan/学习计划
*Certificate of Your Highest Degree/Diploma/学位学历证书
*Transcript of Your Highest Degree/Diploma/成绩单
*Proof of No Criminal Record/无犯罪记录证明
*Financial Guarantee Certificate/经济担保证明(The sponsor's bank statement or the sponsor's guarantee letter)
Physical Exam Record for Foreigners/外国人体格检查记录
Other/其它(Personal social activities and awards, etc.)